Port Orford Cedar
Port Orford Cedar is a truly unique cedar species. It is native to a narrow zone of North American Pacific Coast from southwest Oregon to northwest California. Port Orford Cedar has earned an impressive reputation for its strength and decay-resistance. Historically, as the strongest of all the cedars, it has been the preferred wood for outdoor uses such as Japanese architecture, boat building, docks, railroad ties, and fence posts.
These days it’s more commonly used to build some truly beautiful decks, trellises, and gazebos. The light, almost white colored wood has a fine even texture with a grain is even and straight. It has a characteristic odor from volatile oils contained in the wood that have been described as “ginger like”, with a bitter and spicy taste. Offered in timbers, pattern stock, corbels, and turned poles. All available in Aye and better clears and tight knot grades. Timbers available in a variety of sizes up to 20’.